
Basic Information

Tel: 0755-86547020

Address: HIT(Shenzhen) Research Building No. 814

E-mail: awaken@hit.edu.cn

Research Interests: Solar Eruptive Activity; Solar Activity Fine-scale

Personal Profile

Peng ZOU graduated from Chongqing University for his Bachelor and Master degree from 2006 to 2014. And Obtained his Doctor degree in Nanjing University at 2017. Afterwards, he worked for HIT(Shenzhen) until now. He mainly researches on the topics about solar prominences, solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

Work Experience

2017 - 2020 Postdoctoral HIT(Shenzhen)

2020 - now Assistant Professor HIT(Shenzhen)

Study Experience              

2007 - 2011 Bachelor degree Chongqing University

2011 - 2014 Master degree Chongqing University

2014 - 2017 Doctor degree Nanjing University

Research Achievements

Confirm a new period of solar prominence.

Confirm the prominence footpoints are rooted in the QSL.

Propose a new mechanism to interpret counter-stream of prominence.

Propose the tendentiousness of the mechanisms in different type of eruptive prominences.

Presided over the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M641812) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 11903011)

Representative Papers

1、Zou, Peng; Li, Qi-Xiu; Wu, Nan; Non-linear analysis of the long-term behaviour of solar filaments, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014; 437(1); 38-45

2、Zou, Peng; Li, Qi-Xiu; Midterm periods of solar filaments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2014; 119(12); 9357-9368

3、Zou, Peng; Fang, Cheng; Chen, Peng Fei; Yang, Kai; Hao, Qi; Cao, Wenda; Material Supply and Magnetic Configuration of an Active Region Filament, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016; 831(2); 123-131

4、Zou, Peng; Fang, Cheng; Chen, Peng Fei; Yang, Kai; Cao, Wenda; Magnetic Separatrix as the Source Region of the Plasma Supply for an Active-region Filament, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017; 836(1); 122-127

5、Zou, Peng; Jiang, Chaowei; Feng, Xueshang; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang, Yi; Wei, Fengsi; A Two-step Magnetic Reconnection in a Confined X-class Flare in Solar Active Region 12673, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019; 870(2); 97-104

6、 Zou, Peng; Jiang, Chao-Wei; Wei, Feng-Si; Cao, Wen-Da; Can an injection model replenish filaments in a weak magnetic environment?, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019; 19(6); 84

7、Zou, Peng; Jiang, Chaowei; Wei, Fengsi; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang, Yi; A Statistical Study of Solar Filament Eruptions that Form High-speed Coronal Mass Ejections, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019; 884(2); 157-171

8、 Zou, Peng; Jiang, Chaowei; Wei, Fengsi; Feng, Xueshang; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang, Yi; Continuous Null-point Magnetic Reconnection Builds Up a Torus Unstable Magnetic Flux Rope Triggering the X9.3 Flare in Solar AR 12673, The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 890(1); 10

9、 Wu, Nan; Li, Qi-Xiu; Zou, Peng; Multifractal properties of solar filaments and sunspots numbers, New Astronomy, 2015; 38; 1-10

10、Li, Zhen; Fang, Cheng; Guo, Yang; Chen, Peng Fei; Zou, Peng; Cao, Wenda; High-resolution Observations of a Large Fan-shaped Surge, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016; 826(2); 217-223

11、Jiang, Chao Wei; Zou, Peng; Feng, Xueshang; Hu, Qiang; Liu, Rui; Vemareddy, P.; Duan, Aiying; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang, Yi; Wei, Fengsi; Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the X9.3 Flare on 2017 September 6: Evolving Magnetic Topology, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018; 869(1); 13-30

12、Duan, Aiying; Jiang, Chao Wei; He, Wen; Feng, Xueshang; Zou, Peng; Cui, Jun; A Study of Pre-flare Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields: Magnetic Flux Ropes, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019; 884(1); 73-88

13、 Jiang, Chao Wei; Duan, Aiying; Feng, Xueshang; Zou, Peng; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang Yi; Reconstruction of a Highly Twisted Magnetic Flux Rope for an Inter-Active-Region X-Class Solar Flare, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2019; 6; 63

14、He, Wen; Jiang, Chao Wei; Zou, Peng; Duan, Aiying; Feng, Xueshang; Zuo, Pingbing; Wang Yi; Data-driven MHD Simulation of the Formation and Initiation of a Large-scale Preflare Magnetic Flux Rope in AR 12371, The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 892(1); 9