

General Information

Add: Room 918, Research Building, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen.

E-mail: fengx at spaceweather.ac.cn

Research Interests: Numerical simulation of the solar wind.

Personal Profile

Professor Feng Xueshang is the director of the Space Weather Storm Laboratory, Institute of Space Science and Applied Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth. He serves as the director of the Space Weather Committee of the Chinese Geophysical Society. He also serves as the committee of a variety of academic organizations, including the Chinese Geophysical Society, the Chinese Computational Physics Society and the Chinese Plasma Physics Society.

Professor Feng’s research interests focus on numerical simulation and prediction of the interplanetary solar storm, and has made systematic and innovative progress in this area. He plays an active role in the Chinese space weather community, and made outstanding contributions to the development of this discipline. He carried out pioneer research on data-driven space weather numerical prediction, and developed a variety of three-dimensional models. He has acted as the deputy chief engineer in the Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project, supervising the data and communication system. The achievement of the Meridian Project was awarded the first prize for scientific and technological progress of the Chinese geophysical science and technology.

Professor Feng has published more than 200 SCI-indexed papers in respected academic journals. He published “Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Solar Corona and Heliosphere”(https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-13-9081-4), the first book in this field. He has won the first prize of  Natural Science of The Chinese Academy of Sciences (the second prize winner), the second prize of National Natural Science (the second prize winner), and the Zhaojiuzhang Space Physics Excellent Youth Award, etc.